Newtown Woman's Club, GFWC, Inc.
PO Box 101, Newtown, CT 06470
Friendship ~ Pride ~ Service

The General Federation of Women’s Clubs is one of the world’s largest and oldest women’s service organizations dedicated to enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. Members work locally in more than 3400 clubs in the United States and globally in more than 14 countries. Founded in 1868, GFWC Headquarters is located in Washington, DC and is home to International President, Carlene A. Garner and her staff. The GFWC Motto is “Unity In Diversity.”
- 1899, established the national model for the juvenile court system
- 1906 supported/helped passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act
- Established War Service Fund during WWI – trained/sent 100 young women overseas to operate/manage recreational canteens for American soldiers
- WWII distributed literature to keep women alert about war activities. Clubwomen raised more than $250 million in the “Buy A Bomber” campaign and collected wedding gowns for British brides
- Helped establish Forest Reserve in 1899, National Park Service in 1916 and directly contributed to the establishment of four National Parks
- Began campaign in 1920’s to name office state birds and flowers
- By 1930’s women’s clubs were responsible for establishing 75% of the nations public libraries
- 1944 GFWC endorsed a resolution supporting equal rights/responsibilities for women
- “The Women’s Crusade for Seatbelts” program resulted in more than one-million car seatbelts in one year
- GFWC members raised $180,000 for a fully equipped ambulance for the NYC Fire Department, which displays our GFWC emblem – after the terrorist attacks on 9/11
- 1997-2002 GFWC fulfilled it’s commitment to Colin Powell’s “Americas Promise” by raising/donating more than $13.5 million in books/materials for public libraries
- Other projects included: installation of highway reflectors, stoppage of “drive-through mastectomy’s, and the Fair Pay Act of 2008
- 2010 – adopted “Domestic Violence Awareness, Prevention & Education” as GFWC Signature Project
- July 2010 – GFWC Success for Survivors Scholarship launched
Since 1897, women across the state have been instrumental in changing the lives of others through volunteer service. Since 1972 GFWC/CT clubwomen have “adopted” a two-year state project to raise awareness about specific causes, develop ways to volunteer and raise money to help support programs. These include:
- Newington Children’s Hospital
- Connecticut Cancer Hotline
- Connecticut Poison Control Center
- The Ear Research & Education Center
- Support for Battered Women
- (Paul & Lisa) Sexually Abused Children
- Remove Intoxicated Drivers (RID)
- Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
- Literacy Volunteers of America
- Alzheimer’s Resource Center of Connecticut
- ALPHA HOME (a homeless shelter program)
- Connecticut Radio Information System (CRIS)
- Connecticut Canine Search and Rescue
- Adopt-A-Wing at Rocky Hill Veterans Home
- Connecticut Community Care, Inc.
- CT Food Bank/FoodShare (2010 - 2012)
- ABRI/Homes for the Brave (2012 - 2014)
- Manes and Motion (therapeutic riding program)
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention